There are a lot of myths about acne. Many simply repeat what they have been told about acne earlier in their lives, that it will go away on its own with as long as you continue to wash your face daily, and continue a nightly regimen.
However, this may not be true for everyone. As dermatology continues to progress, more effective treatments continue to emerge, and there are many available treatment modalities that can help lessen the visibility and existence of acne.
Can Acne be Treated?
Properly identifying the most effective personal acne treatment regimen is important for preventing potentially permanent dark spots, or even permanent scarring. And as we all know, acne can be an embarrassing condition that greatly impacts our social confidence. Treating acne is a powerful way to improve self-esteem.
Who Gets Acne?
Although acne can feel very isolating, it is nothing less than the single most common dermatological problem in America.
Teenagers in the throes of significant hormonal changes are notoriously susceptible to acne, but it can occur at any time, and any age. This can range from adolescence or into adulthood.
What Is the Primary Cause of Acne?
Acne can appear as a result of unseen dirt and oil that builds up, and clogs pores. Dead skin cells can get trapped in pores when the body produces significant amounts of oil that are designed to protect skin from excessive dryness. Trapped by oil, dead skin cells can also clog pores instead of being washed away.
What is Rosacea?
Rosacea causes redness and makes blood vessels appear more prominent and visible on facial skin. It can also produce small bumps that are similar to and often mistaken for acne. Rosacea tends to be cyclical, coming and going in severity and duration of appearance.
What Are the Symptoms of Rosacea?
Signs of rosacea may include:
- General facial redness and irritation
- Red and swollen bumps
- Eye problems, such as excessive drying
- Enlarged nose, rarely rosacea can thicken skin on the nose region.
Westover Hills Dermatology located in San Antonio, Texas, is your trusted source for acne and rosacea treatment texas options. If you find yourself suffering from any of the symptoms listed, or have any questions, we would love to hear from you. Contact our office today and schedule your Rosacea Treatment Texas consultation towards a clearer, smoother complexion!