What is It?
Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that can cause your cheeks, nose, chin, and other areas of the face to turn red. Small, red bumps or pimples may develop in those same areas, and the blood vessels on your face may swell and become visible. Rosacea is a common skin condition that affects many people. It may appear suddenly, then disappear, only to return again. Because it comes and goes, it can sometimes be mistaken for an allergic reaction or acne. Although there is no cure for rosacea, it is controllable and medically manageable.
Who Is at Risk of Getting It?
This skin condition can actually affect anyone, but it is most likely to occur in patients who are between the ages of 30 and 50 years old. Women and those with fair skin, are also more likely to suffer from rosacea. You also may be more likely to develop rosacea if your family has a history of this condition, or if you had experienced acne in the past. However, it is important to note once again that this condition can affect all ages, even children.
Why Treat It?
In the beginning, patients who have rosacea may simply find the condition embarrassing. The sudden redness in the central part of their face can appear as if they’re constantly blushing. However, if left untreated, it can also cause broken capillaries in the skin and tiny pimples that sometimes contain pus. Over time, the skin can start to become coarse, and the pores may also appear noticeably enlarged. Rosacea may also result in semi-permanent scarring. In severe cases, a patient’s cheeks and nose may actually become enlarged. This latter complication is more common in men. It can even affect your eyes, as one of the complications can lead to the development of ocular rosacea. This condition causes your eyes to burn, and feel irritated and dry.
Available Treatments
At Westover Hills Dermatology, we can help you deal with both the symptoms and causes of your rosacea. For example, we will work with you to determine the possible triggers for your rosacea flare-ups. If you find yourself dealing with the symptoms mentioned, and are ready to receive effective treatments, reach out to us here at Westover Hills Dermatology in San Antonio. Contact us today and schedule your consultation for the tools to manage your skin!