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Are You a Candidate for Varicose Vein Treatment?

Over 40 million Americans suffer from varicose veins every year. Unlike spider veins, which are close to the surface and usually benign, varicose veins can be very unsightly, uncomfortable, painful and dangerous. At Westover Hills Dermatology in San Antonio, TX, we are proud to offer several varicose vein treatment methods. But are you a good candidate? Keep reading to find out.

Am I a Good Candidate for Varicose Vein Treatment?

You Have a Family History of Varicose Veins

One of the strongest indicators of being a good candidate for varicose vein treatment is having a family history of the condition. While varicose veins are idiopathic, meaning their direct cause is unknown, there is a strong correlation between your genes and your risk of developing varicose veins.

Research has shown that people with one parent with varicose veins are 50% more likely to develop varicose veins than people with no family history of the condition. Moreover, children of two parents with varicose veins have a 90% chance of developing varicose veins at some point in their lives.

You Are Feeling Pain

One of the most compelling arguments that you are a good candidate for varicose vein treatment is that your varicose veins are causing you pain or discomfort. For some people, this can be attributed to swelling. When the valves within your veins are damaged, blood can flow backward and pool, usually around your ankles. For others, pain is caused by the sheer amount of venous pressure built up due to inefficient, damaged veins.

Regardless of why you feel pain or discomfort, there’s no reason to live in discomfort. If you find your legs become more uncomfortable as your day goes on, call Westover Hills Dermatology in San Antonio, TX  today so we can figure out together what we can do to make your life a little more comfortable.

You Don’t Like the Way You Look

Let’s be real. Even in the dead of winter, it is warm enough outside to wear shorts at times. However, many people wear jeans throughout the year because they are self-conscious about their legs. Just like there’s no reason to be in pain, there’s no reason to hide your legs.

You should also come in for a consultation if you develop unsightly varicose veins in your hands or anywhere else you feel self-conscious about. You are beautiful and have every right to feel proud of the skin you are in.

Your Skin Has Changed Color

It’s not good when your veins change from blue to red or purple, and if the skin changes color, this is an even worse sign. If you notice the skin over your gnarled veins has changed color or texture, you are an excellent candidate for varicose vein treatment. Call us and schedule a consultation right away. Changes to your skin are a strong indicator that your condition is serious and needs to be treated quickly.

You Aren’t Getting Relief From Traditional Therapies

If you have varicose veins, the first treatment methods recommended are those you can do at home. Get down to a healthy weight if you are overweight or obese. Exercise more and wear a compression garment throughout the day.

However, varicose veins are often so severe that these methods aren’t effective. If you’ve tried to manage your varicose veins at home but to no avail, you are the perfect candidate for the professional treatment of varicose veins.

You Are Not Pregnant

Many women go decades without suffering from spider veins or varicose veins. Then, within a few months of pregnancy, they notice cramping, aching, heaviness and other varicose vein symptoms in their legs.

If your veins have been perfectly healthy until you got pregnant, there’s a good chance your condition is only temporary. If you are not pregnant, chances are good that your condition will only worsen with time and needs to be professionally treated as soon as possible.

You Are Not Taking an Anticoagulant

To be a good candidate for the professional treatment of varicose veins, you should not be on any blood-thinning medications or supplements. This includes St. John’s Wort, vitamin E supplements, and NSAIDs.

If you take one of these supplements or drugs, ask your physician if it is safe for you to stop for a couple weeks before and after treatment. Thin blood can affect the results of your treatment.

You Have Not Had a Blood Clot

The best candidate for the professional treatment of varicose veins has not had a blood clot. During your initial consultation, we will thoroughly review your entire medical history for anything that could cause you a problem.

If you have had a blood clot in the past, you may only be a good candidate for a select few types of treatments. But don’t give up hope just yet. Depending on the cause of the clot, you may still be a good candidate for several types of treatments.

Contact Us Today

You don’t have to live with varicose veins. Varicose vein treatment is fast, safe, effective and affordable. To find out for sure if you are a good candidate, or learn more about your treatment options, contact the vein experts at Westover Hills Dermatology in San Antonio, TX today to schedule your initial consultation. We will assess the extent and severity of your varicose veins, review your medical history and current health and develop a tailored treatment plan customized just for you.

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