Dermal Fillers in San Antonio, TX

One of the most obvious signs of aging is wrinkles, which are caused by the loss of skin elasticity with age. This loss of firmness is because our skin produces less collagen and elastin as we get older. It’s these substances that give the skin its firmness and elasticity. Dermal fillers offer a non-surgical means to plump up the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while improving skin texture and appearance. 

At Westover Hills Dermatology in San Antonio, TX, we specialize in enhancing your natural beauty with dermal fillers. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Mobolaji Opeola, we embrace the power of these innovative treatments to rejuvenate and refresh your appearance. They are pivotal in sculpting, volumizing, and revitalizing the skin, offering noticeable yet natural results.

What Are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are a popular cosmetic treatment used to restore volume and fullness to the skin, particularly in the face. These injectable substances are designed to counteract the effects of aging by filling in wrinkles, fine lines, and hollow areas, as well as enhancing facial contours and improving overall skin appearance.

Unlike Botox®, which relaxes muscles to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, dermal fillers literally “fill” the areas under the skin. Most fillers are made with hyaluronic acid, a substance that we already naturally produce. Similar to collagen and elastin, we produce less of this substance as we age. Restoring hyaluronic acid helps the skin retain vital moisture and volume, resulting in an overall more youthful look.

How Do Dermal Fillers Work?

Dermal fillers work by plumping up the area under the skin and removing the wrinkle, fold, or dimple in that particular area. Depending on the type of filler, the results can last anywhere between six months and two years. There are even some fillers that can last up to five years before being processed by the body.

Benefits of Dermal Fillers


As injectable treatments, dermal fillers eliminate the need for surgery, significantly reducing the risks associated with invasive procedures. Their non-invasive nature also leads to minimal downtime, allowing individuals to resume normal activities shortly after treatment.

Natural-Looking Enhancement

Dermal fillers are designed to enhance facial features in a way that appears natural and subtle. They complement the existing facial contours, ensuring changes are enhancing yet not overly drastic.

Customizable Treatment

The versatility of dermal fillers allows practitioners to tailor the treatment to each individual’s unique facial structure and aesthetic goals. This customization ensures that results align closely with the patient’s desires and expectations.

Boosted Collagen Production

Certain types of dermal fillers not only provide immediate visible improvements but also stimulate the body’s natural collagen production. This dual action leads to both instant and progressive rejuvenation of the skin.

Enhanced Lip Volume

Lip augmentation with dermal fillers is a popular application, offering significant lip volume and definition enhancement. This treatment can create fuller, more balanced lips, enhancing the overall facial aesthetics.

Smoother Under-Eye Area

Targeting the delicate under-eye area, fillers can significantly reduce the appearance of hollows and dark circles. This application rejuvenates the under-eye region, giving a more rested and youthful appearance.

Softened Facial Creases and Wrinkles

Fillers are highly effective in softening facial lines and creases. By filling in these areas, they reduce the signs of aging and create a smoother, more refreshed facial appearance.

Restored Volume

Age-related loss of facial volume can be effectively counteracted with dermal fillers. By restoring volume, particularly in areas like the cheeks, fillers help to recreate youthful facial contours.


The broad range of filler types and application techniques makes dermal fillers extremely versatile. They can address various concerns across different facial areas, from the cheeks and jawline to the nasolabial folds.

Complement to Other Treatments

Dermal fillers work well with other cosmetic procedures like Botox or laser treatments. This compatibility allows for a comprehensive approach to facial rejuvenation, addressing multiple concerns cohesively.

What to Expect

The treatment process will begin with a consultation with our specialist. We will decide on the right type of filler and areas that need to be addressed based on your personal needs. If you’ve got a history of skin allergies, the specialist may first decide to perform a skin test to make sure that the filler being used will not trigger an allergic reaction.

Before treatment, the specialist will apply a numbing gel to the targeted areas to ensure your comfort before administering any injections. The entire treatment process generally takes between 30 and 45 minutes to complete, and patients can typically go right back to their usual routine immediately afterward.

Our Range of Dermal Fillers

At Westover Hills Dermatology, we are proud to offer an extensive range of dermal fillers to cater to various aesthetic needs. Our selection includes the complete line of JUVÉDERM® products and the innovative RHA® Collection, each designed to provide unique benefits.

JUVÉDERM® Products

JUVÉDERM® fillers are renowned for their versatility and effectiveness in addressing multiple signs of aging. These hyaluronic acid-based fillers are expertly formulated to smooth lines, restore volume, and enhance facial contours. Our JUVÉDERM® range includes options for lip augmentation, softening nasolabial folds, and enhancing cheek volume, ensuring a tailored approach to rejuvenation.

RHA® Collection

The RHA® Collection represents the latest advancement in dermal filler technology. Specifically designed to adapt to the dynamic movements of the face, these fillers offer a more natural look and feel, maintaining your expressiveness while smoothing out wrinkles. The RHA® Collection is perfect for those seeking a more subtle and natural-looking enhancement that respects the natural dynamics of facial expressions.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dermal Fillers

How Long Do Dermal Fillers Last?

The longevity of dermal fillers can vary significantly based on the type of filler used and the individual’s skin characteristics. Some fillers typically last six months to a year, while others can last up to 18 months or longer. Factors like the area treated, the individual’s metabolism, and how their body reacts to the filler also play a role in determining the duration of the effects.

What Is the Recovery Time After Getting Fillers?

The recovery time after receiving dermal fillers is usually relatively short. Most patients can resume normal activities almost immediately following the procedure. However, avoiding strenuous exercise, excessive heat, and sun exposure for the first 24-48 hours is advised to minimize swelling and bruising.

Are There Any Side Effects of Dermal Fillers?

As for side effects, dermal fillers can cause temporary and typically mild reactions. Common side effects include redness, swelling, tenderness, and bruising at the injection sites. These usually subside within a few days to a week.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Dermal Fillers?

Good candidates for dermal fillers are individuals seeking to address signs of aging like wrinkles and volume loss or those who wish to enhance certain facial features, such as lips or cheeks. Ideal candidates are in good overall health, have realistic expectations about the outcomes, and are not allergic to the filler components. Potential candidates must discuss their medical history and any skin conditions with us to determine the suitability of dermal fillers for their specific needs.

Discover the Beauty of Dermal Fillers in San Antonio, TX

Dermal fillers are a great way to enhance your natural beauty. At Westover Hills Dermatology in San Antonio, TX, you can find a range of cosmetic fillers designed to help you achieve your ideal look. We are trained in the latest techniques and use only the highest quality products to ensure your satisfaction. Whether you’re looking to reduce the appearance of wrinkles or add volume to your lips, we have various dermal fillers available to suit your unique needs.  

If you’re interested in finding out if fillers are right for you, contact the experts at Westover Hills Dermatology in San Antonio, TX, and schedule your first appointment. Contact us online or call us at (830) 261-3212 to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward achieving a youthful version of yourself.