Hair Loss in San Antonio, TX

Hair loss can result from a myriad of factors, ranging from genetics to environmental stressors. As the leading dermatology clinic in San Antonio, we specialize in addressing thinning hair and provide advanced hair restoration treatments. We pride ourselves on offering convenient and non-invasive solutions for those facing hair challenges.

At Westover Hills Dermatology in San Antonio, our team, led by board-certified dermatologist Dr. Moboloaji Opeola, can help determine the cause of your hair loss and restore thinning hair. Contact a hair loss specialist in San Antonio today to schedule your consultation!

What Causes Hair Loss?

Hair loss is a natural, daily process, and it affects both men and women for a variety of reasons. Some common causes include:


  • Men – includes experiencing hereditary hair loss or having a thinning hairline and bald patches
  • Women – experiencing a widening natural part or thinning hair

Illness or Disease

Certain types of medication or other medical procedures can cause hair loss. Women who are experiencing sudden and chronic stress or who have hormone changes from pregnancy or menopause may be more likely to experience significant hair loss.


Everyday things such as how we wash, dry, and style our hair can often contribute to hair loss. 

While healthy hair should grow back, sometimes it fails to do so, or it does not grow back as quickly as desired. There may be damage to your hair or scalp. Seeking the help of a dermatologist in San Antonio can help you fight this issue and get your hair and confidence back.

Hair Loss for Men

For men, hair loss often begins at the temples or the crown, progressing in a pattern commonly known as male pattern baldness. Factors such as genetics, hormonal changes, and age play significant roles. With this understanding, a hair-thinning treatment for men can be more focused on addressing these specific patterns and causes, providing effective solutions.

Hair Loss for Women

In women, hair loss usually manifests as overall thinning rather than a receding hairline or specific bald spots. Causes can range from hormonal shifts, such as those experienced during menopause, to medical conditions or nutritional deficiencies. Given these unique characteristics, hair thinning treatments for women may be focused more on holistic approaches and addressing underlying causes.

How Do You Treat Hair Loss?

It’s important to Dr. Opeola and her team that you are receiving the hair-thinning treatment that is right for you and your goals, so the first step is to have a consultation. After we have determined the cause of your hair loss and discussed your symptoms and treatment preferences, we may schedule either PRP injections for hair loss or Alma TED® treatments. 

PRP for Hair Loss

What Is PRP?

A common non-surgical treatment type is PRP therapy, which uses the platelets found in your own blood to help stimulate the hair follicles to begin growing hair again. PRP, standing for platelet-rich plasma, has been used in various medical fields due to its innate healing and regenerative properties. PRP capitalizes on the body’s inherent abilities to rejuvenate and repair. As a hair restoration treatment, PRP offers a unique advantage by harnessing the body’s own resources, making it a sought-after solution for many seeking alternatives to surgical interventions.

How Does PRP Work?

Rich in growth factors, platelet-rich plasma can signal dormant hair follicles to become active once more. By promoting cellular repair and regeneration, hair can grow back thicker and healthier. This hair restoration method stands out as one of the leading hair-thinning solutions, targeting the root causes of hair loss with natural, non-medicated substances.

What Does the PRP Treatment Involve?

Harvesting the PRP

To begin the treatment, a small sample of the patient’s blood is drawn. This sample is then processed to isolate the platelet-rich plasma, ensuring the highest concentration of platelets.

Preparing the Scalp

Before administering the PRP, the scalp is cleansed and prepped to ensure the treatment area is free from potential contaminants. A numbing agent may be applied to enhance comfort during the treatment.

Administering the PRP

With the PRP ready and the scalp prepared, the next step involves injecting the platelet-rich plasma into the areas of the scalp experiencing hair loss. Precision is key here; the injections need to be made at the right depth and locations to achieve the desired outcome.

What Can I Expect From PRP Results?

Most patients observe noticeable improvements in hair fullness within two to three months after their hair restoration treatment. The number of required sessions can vary, but typically a series of treatments followed by periodic maintenance is recommended. We will guide you on the best approach tailored to your hair loss concerns.

What Does Pre-Treatment and Post-Treatment Care Look Like?

After the PRP injections, patients are typically advised on specific post-treatment guidelines to maximize the treatment’s benefits. This might include avoiding certain activities or products for a short duration. Adhering to these guidelines ensures that your thinning-hair treatment works effectively and the scalp heals appropriately.

Alma TED for Hair Loss

Alma TED is an innovative ultrasound-based system designed for a variety of aesthetic applications, including hair restoration. Utilizing acoustic sound waves, Alma TED, when combined with the TED+ Hair Care Formula, enhances hair and scalp health, promoting thicker and more vibrant hair with increased strength and shine.

How Does Alma TED Work?

By leveraging the power of acoustic ultrasonic sound waves, Alma TED aims to improve blood flow to the scalp, a vital factor in addressing hair loss. When used with the TED+ Hair Care Formula or other serums, it synergistically provides essential nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles. This combined approach not only combats hair loss but also promotes fuller, healthier hair growth.

What to Expect From Your Alma TED Treatment

Each Alma TED hair restoration treatment is comfortable and non-invasive. Throughout the session, you won’t feel any pain. Instead, you might sense warmth and vibration, which is the ultrasound device at work. During the treatment, the TED+ Hair Care Formula serum is meticulously applied to your scalp, ensuring optimal absorption. Following the serum application, the ultrasound device is used to push the serum into the scalp. After the treatment, your hair might remain damp from the serum, which continues to penetrate and nourish your scalp for the subsequent day, maximizing the treatment’s effectiveness.

What Is the Pre-Treatment and Post-Treatment Care for Alma TED?

Preparing for your Alma TED hair restoration treatment involves a few simple yet essential steps. Before the treatment, you should halt the use of any other topical solutions on your scalp. As you plan your treatment timing, bear in mind that washing your hair will be off-limits for 24 hours post-treatment. For your post-treatment regimen, opt for sulfate-free shampoos or medical-grade options to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of the treatment. These measures not only optimize results but also fortify your scalp.

Am I a Candidate for Hair Loss Treatment?

Although it’s never too late to treat, early intervention is ideal. The best candidates may be patients who have just begun to notice thinning hair. During a consultation at our San Antonio office, our team can help you determine what the best treatment option is best for you.

Our Consultations for Hair Restoration Services

Take your first step today and get your confidence back. At Westover Hills Dermatology in San Antonio, TX, we offer hair restoration services to help with male and female hair loss. Schedule your consultation with us to begin the process. Dr. Opeola and her team in San Antonio want to help you grow the hair you’ve always wanted. If you have questions or need more information, feel free to contact us at (830) 261-3212 or via our online contact form