Psoriasis Treatment in San Antonio, TX

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects millions of people in the U.S., causing red, itchy, and scaly patches on the skin. Despite its prevalence, psoriasis can still be a frustrating and embarrassing condition that often leads to discomfort and decreased quality of life. At Westover Hills Dermatology in San Antonio, TX, we specialize in psoriasis treatment, a service essential for managing this common condition. Led by the expert care of Dr. Mobolaji Opeola, we offer advanced solutions for those struggling with psoriasis. Our approach is tailored to meet your unique needs, ensuring you receive the most effective care possible.

What Is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is an immune system-associated disease that occurs underneath the skin, where white blood cells tell the skin to start growing a new layer before the old one is sloughed off. This creates areas of thickened, scaly skin. The affected areas can be quite small or can cover almost the entire body. The condition is hereditary and is not contagious at all. However, the cause is unknown.

The main symptom of psoriasis is plaques of reddened, thickened skin that can occur anywhere on the body. The plaques aren’t as itchy as eczema and are typically larger in size. Some patients also experience joint pain as part of the condition. As with eczema, there is no cure for psoriasis, and efforts are focused on managing and lessening the symptoms.

Benefits of Psoriasis Treatment

Relief from Itching and Discomfort

One of the primary benefits of psoriasis treatment is significant relief from chronic itching and skin discomfort. Psoriasis often leads to itchy, inflamed skin, and our treatment protocols are designed to soothe these symptoms, providing immediate comfort.

Reduction in Redness and Flaking

Psoriasis treatments effectively reduce the redness and flaking of skin, hallmark symptoms of this condition. By addressing these symptoms, patients experience an improved skin appearance and texture.

Prevention of Skin Thickening

Continuous psoriasis treatment helps prevent the skin from becoming thick and hard, a typical problem when psoriasis is left untreated. This maintenance ensures that the skin retains a more natural and healthy appearance, avoiding the rough texture that can occur with chronic psoriasis.

Reduced Scalp Psoriasis Symptoms

Treatments specifically targeting scalp psoriasis effectively lessen symptoms like scaling and itching. This not only provides relief from discomfort but also improves the overall health of the scalp, which can positively impact the appearance and condition of your hair.

Enhanced Effectiveness of Skincare Products

When psoriasis symptoms are managed, the skin becomes healthier and more receptive to skincare products. This improved skin condition allows for better absorption and utilization of these products, enhancing their effectiveness.

Personalized Treatment Approaches

Our approach involves creating individualized treatment plans and carefully selecting therapies that best suit each patient’s needs. This personalized strategy aims to achieve optimal results while minimizing potential side effects, ensuring a more effective and comfortable treatment experience.

Lower Risk of Skin Infections

Effective psoriasis treatment plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and health of the skin, reducing the likelihood of secondary skin infections. This is particularly important as untreated psoriasis can make the skin more vulnerable to infections.

Improved Skin Hydration

Our treatments for psoriasis are designed not only to address the symptoms but also to enhance the skin’s natural moisture retention capabilities. This reduces the dryness often associated with psoriasis, resulting in skin that feels softer and appears more supple.

Slowing Down Skin Cell Turnover

Psoriasis speeds up the life cycle of skin cells. Our treatments help normalize this process, reducing the rapid buildup of cells on the skin’s surface.

Frequently Asked Questions About Psoriasis Treatment

Can Psoriasis Be Completely Cured?

Currently, psoriasis cannot be cured entirely, but it’s manageable with the right treatments. These treatments focus on controlling the symptoms, such as reducing inflammation and skin cell turnover, which can significantly lessen the severity and frequency of flare-ups. This management approach helps improve the overall quality of life for those with psoriasis, making daily activities and skincare more comfortable.

Will Psoriasis Treatment Work for Me?

Most individuals see improvement with treatment. The effectiveness varies depending on the type and severity of psoriasis and the chosen treatment method. We personalize treatments to fit your specific needs.

Are There Different Types of Psoriasis Treatments?

Treatments range from topical creams and light therapy to systemic medications and biologics. The choice of treatment depends on the severity and type of your psoriasis.

Is Psoriasis Treatment Painful?

Most psoriasis treatments are designed to be as comfortable as possible. Treatments like topical creams and ointments are typically pain-free and can be easily applied to the affected areas. Injections are also relatively pain-free and are often a preferred treatment for their effectiveness and minimal discomfort. Other therapies, like certain systemic medications, may have side effects but are generally not painful.

How Long Does It Take to See Results From Treatment?

The time it takes to see results from psoriasis treatment can vary depending on the type of treatment and the individual’s response. Generally, many patients begin to notice improvements within a few weeks after starting treatment. This improvement may include reduced redness, less itching, and decreased scale and thickness of psoriasis patches, which can be quite relieving.

Discover the Relief of Personalized Psoriasis Treatment in San Antonio, TX

At Westover Hills Dermatology in San Antonio, TX, we provide a range of specialized treatments for psoriasis, including topicals, injections, and oral medications. We are equipped with the latest technology and knowledge to create a personalized approach that caters to each patient’s unique needs. Psoriasis can be uncomfortable and frustrating, so we are committed to giving our patients the best care possible in a comfortable and compassionate environment. 

If you have psoriasis, contact us online or call us at (830) 261-3212 to schedule a consultation for treatment.