Surgical Dermatology

Sometimes skin problems go beyond simple repair. Wrinkles can easily be solved with the proper dermal filler or skin care treatment, hair can be removed through lasers, and even certain pockets of fat can be treated. However, when skin issues are dangerous or severely affect someone’s self-esteem, surgery may be required.

Surgical Dermatology can be used for something as serious as cancer removal, to as simple as subtly changing the body for a better look. Westover Hills Dermatology offers a variety of surgical options to our patients. Call our office and schedule your consultation about surgical dermatology.

Some of the surgical options we offer include:

  • Skin Cancer Treatment: Skin cancer is one of the most dangerous cancers out there. It can quickly move from one part of the skin to another, and can eventually go internal and spread to the lungs, liver or brain. The best way to prevent skin cancer is to wear sunscreen and not to spend significant time in the sun, however, if skin cancer has appeared, the most important thing you can do is remove it as quickly as possible. Our medical staff is trained in the proper removal of skin cancer cells on the skin.
  • Cyst Removal: When a bump appears on your skin, it could be benign and nothing to worry about, or it could be the first sign of cancer. Either way, it’s a good idea to remove it. You’ll either remove dangerous cancer cells from your body, or you’ll get rid of a discomforting cyst.
  • Nevus/Mole Removal: Moles naturally occur on the body and don’t pose a danger in and of themselves, but certain moles can lead to melanoma and skin cancer. Because of this, it may be a good idea to preemptively remove a questionable mole before it can turn into a problem.
  • Keloid Removal: A keloid is an overgrowth of scar tissue that stays behind even after a wound has healed. They don’t pose any danger or have any risk of cancer, but they can be ugly and annoying. Surgical options are available to remove a keloid and minimize the appearance of their scars.
  • Earlobe Repair: Whether it was something you were born with, the aftermath of an injury, a piercing gone wrong or a rip or tear, fixing your earlobe can have a substantial effect on your well being. We can also repair a rip or a tear from an injury or piercing accident.
  • Scar Improvement: We all end up getting scars on our bodies. It may be because of something we did as a kid, an old sports injury or something that is completely out of our hands, like acne. We have the ability to minimize these scars and give your skin a smoother overall appearance.

Utilizing surgical dermatology is something that can make you happier about yourself, or even save your life. If you feel you have a skin issue that can be fixed with surgery, call the Westover Hills Dermatology offices to schedule your initial consultation.