Do you feel self-conscious due to large, twisted, highly visible veins? Do you experience itching, discomfort, or skin discoloration due to large, twisted veins? If so, you may be considered a good candidate for varicose vein treatment at Westover Hills Dermatology in San Antonio, TX. Today, we’re taking a look at how you treat varicose veins, whether you are a good candidate, and why you should strongly consider treatment.
How Do You Treat Varicose Veins?
By far, the most effective varicose vein treatment method is sclerotherapy. Sclerotherapy is a non-surgical vein treatment that involves just a few simple steps. First, your area of concern is inspected to verify that there is no skin irritation. If the area is free from irritation, the targeted area will be sterilized thoroughly and numbed with a topical anesthetic. Then, a tiny incision will be made through which a cannula will be inserted.
Once the cannula is inserted, your phlebotomist will insert a needle through the cannula and use it to inject a sclerosant chemical into the walls of the varicose vein. The formula containing the sclerosant chemical, notably, also contains lidocaine, an injectable anesthetic. This means it’s not just your skin that will be numb. The treated vein or veins will also be free from discomfort or pain.
How Quickly Can You Treat This Condition?
You can use sclerotherapy to treat varicose or spider veins very quickly. The average treatment session takes between a quarter of an hour and 30 minutes to complete. Even including the time required to prepare the treatment area and discuss post-treatment guidelines, you can expect to be in and out of our clean, comfortable office within 60 minutes.
We will give you a better idea on how long you should expect your treatment to take during your initial consultation. Factors that affect how long a treatment session will take include the severity of your disordered veins, their positions relative to the skin and healthy blood vessels, the number of disordered veins, and where they are located in the body. Your session will take longer if you’re treating disordered veins in your hands, feet, pelvis, and abdomen.
How Many Treatment Sessions Will I Need?
Most people will only need one treatment session to achieve the destruction of all their disordered veins. In extreme cases, a second session may be required four to six weeks after the first session. Note, if you have small varicose or spider veins, you may be able to see the results of your treatment in just three to six weeks.
On the other hand, it may take three to four months for your healthy tissues to break down and absorb the disordered veins destroyed during the treatment. Therefore, it may take closer to five months to see your results if you need a second treatment session.
Am I a Good Sclerotherapy Candidate?
If you suffer from spider or varicose veins, you’ll probably be considered a good sclerotherapy candidate. However, you should know that this treatment is not appropriate for everyone. For example, this treatment is not appropriate for people with certain medical conditions, like bleeding disorders or a history of keloid scarring.
Do I Need To Seek Treatment for My Varicose Veins?
Yes, it will behoove you to seek varicose vein treatment. Varicose veins are often associated with such negative symptoms as itchiness, swelling, discomfort, burning, and pain. Furthermore, they can lead to a number of serious medical conditions if they are left untreated. For example, you can get venous ulcers if some of your veins are varicose and you don’t treat them.
Venous ulcers usually break the skin and heal very slowly when disordered veins are in the leg or ankle region. However, they can also develop in other areas with untreated disordered veins. Note, venous ulcers should be taken very seriously, not just because they can be tender, but also because they can become infected and exude discharge.
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Deep vein thrombosis, sometimes referred to as DVT, is a condition that, again, usually occurs in the legs. Nevertheless, just like venous ulcers, DVT can develop anywhere. DVT is a condition caused by a blood clot formed deep in the venous system. Signs that you may have a blood clot include cramping, skin discoloration, swelling, pain, and extreme warmth.
If you suspect you have a blood clot deep within your venous system, it is important to schedule an appointment with a circulatory expert right away. If deep vein thrombosis is left untreated, the blood clot can become dislodged. If it is dislodged, it can travel through the bloodstream. In some cases, it can travel all the way to your lungs and cause a PE, or pulmonary embolism.
Schedule an Appointment Today
Varicose veins can be serious health hazards. Even if they are not causing you pain or discomfort today, they can still threaten your health. Fortunately, sclerotherapy is a quick, painless, effective treatment that you are probably a good candidate for. To find out for sure whether you qualify for this non-surgical varicose vein treatment, contact us today at Westover Hills Dermatology in San Antonio, TX to schedule an appointment.